Medical facials

Medical facials

Lightening medical facials are an effective treatment for addressing concerns related to pigmentation and discoloration.

    How does it work?

    During a Lightning medical facial, the first step is an enzymatic deep tissue massage to exfoliate and prepare the skin for improved penetration of the agents later in the facial. The primary active agent is a lactic acid-based soft peel, applied to lighten and brighten the skin surface without visible peeling.

    Lightening medical facial benefits individuals over 20 years old and struggling with dull, uneven, discolored skin with pigmentation.

    The benefits of this treatment include:


    • Brighter complexion
    • Radiance
    • Smoother texture
    • Lighter dark circles
    • Toned lips



    The Lightening medical facial targets the face.

    Here are some important details that will give you further insights into Lightening medical facial treatments:


    • Repetition time:
      Monthly repetitions are recommended.
    • Downtime:
    • Pain sensation:
      None or mild tingling.
    • Result:
      Immediate radiance, lightening, and glow.

    Consult our experts

    Our services are carefully designed to provide to your individual needs, offering a holistic approach that addresses both physical and emotional well-being.

    Denise Saunders

    Denise Saunders

    Specialist Skin & Laser Therapist, Skincare Advisor

    Dora Atakul

    Dora Atakul

    Specialist Skin & Laser Therapist, Skin Coach