Dr. Helge Schmitz
Consultant orthopedist and orthopedic surgeon
Back pain is a common issue many people experience at least once during their lives. If you are suffering from chronic or acute back pain, please book an appointment with orthopedic specialist Dr. Helge Schmitz at the Doctor Reuter Medical Center.
The back is a complex network of muscles, ligaments, bones, and tendons that runs from the top of our buttocks to the base of our neck. It is responsible for keeping our bodies upright and balanced. Back pain can arise for various reasons, including overexertion, injury, poor posture, and structural issues. While most forms of back pain can be remedied through rest, self-care, and light stretching, there are cases where it can be severe. Consult an expert if your back pain:
We strongly encourage you to book an appointment with our orthopedic expert, Dr. Helge Schmitz, if you are experiencing the following symptoms:
While some back pain can be treated with home remedies, other conditions require immediate medical attention. At Doctor Reuter Medical Centers, we believe in holistic health solutions and preventative medicine that keep you in shape for years to come.
To relieve pain, you can receive:
With a specialty in extracorporeal shock wave treatment (ESWT), Dr. Schmitz can provide significant pain relief and improvement to the damaged area. Unlike invasive surgery, our clinic’s medical-grade shockwave therapy requires no anesthetics and poses few to no complications. It also provides additional benefits like:
Manual therapy is among the most effective treatments for back pain. Through spinal manipulation, Dr. Schmitz can restore the range of motion in the back. He also performs manual mobilization, which involves the movement and stretching of muscles and joints.
Have you already consulted with an orthopedic professional but want a second opinion? We can strengthen your diagnosis through several comprehensive tests.
If you’re experiencing back pain or a loss of function, get help right away. Contact our team of experts at Doctor Reuter Medical Center for professional medical help today.