Heart Check-Up Packages

Heart Check-Up Packages

Heart check-up: Comprehensive cardiac evaluation at Doctor Reuter Medical Centers

    Heart Check-Up Packages

    Prioritizing preventive care is essential for your heart health. Taking steps to prevent heart problems now can help you stay healthy and feel better in the future.

    A basic heart check-up includes consultation with our expert cardiologist and an electrocardiogram (ECG) test.

    Advanced heart check-up, customized for patients under 40 years old includes:


    • clinical assessment
    • urea-serum
    • creatinine
    • sodium
    • potassium
    • cholesterol hdl
    • cholesterol ldl
    • cholesterol total
    • triglycerides
    • glucose fasting
    • thyroid-stimulating hormone
    • vitamin d total
    • complete blood count
    • treadmill test

    Advanced heart check-up, customized for patients over 40 years old includes:


    • clinical assessment
    • ecg
    • urea-serum
    • creatinine
    • sodium
    • potassium
    • cholesterol hdl
    • cholesterol ldl
    • cholesterol total
    • triglycerides
    • glucose fasting
    • thyroid-stimulating hormone
    • vitamin d total
    • complete blood count
    • stress echocardiogram

    Consult our experts

    Our services are carefully designed to provide to your individual needs, offering a holistic approach that addresses both physical and emotional well-being.

    Dr. Laure Bruchou

    Dr. Laure Bruchou

    Consultant Cardiologist