Dora Atakul
Specialist Skin and Laser Therapist
Our advanced rosacea-lase treatment can effectively help you address and manage your rosacea concerns.
Our advanced rosacea laser treatment, known as Rosacea-lase, uses Nd: YAG laser wavelength to target the blood (oxyhemoglobin) in the small microvessels of the skin, which are hyperactively causing the redness known as rosacea. By coagulating blood in these vessels, the treatment aims to reduce the appearance of redness and improve the condition. The laser immediately suppresses inflammation and bacteria (if present). Additionally, it provides a mild rejuvenation effect and promotes healing.
The rosacea-lase treatment effectively benefits individuals over 16 years old and struggling with rosacea.
The benefits of this treatment include:
Rosacea-lase treatments target any body area of concern.
Here are some important details that will give you further insights into Rosacea-lase treatments: